talbot hall

Witness Protection

Awarded in Monochrome Awards 2020, ND Awards 2020, Fine Art Photography Awards 2020, Sony and World Photography Organization World Open Weekly

Crawley Family Portraits

Sweeney Family Portraits


Omaggio Pizzeria



Rumple Goodson Family Portraits

The Berg Wedding

Julianna | CAKE! boudoir

On the Santa Monica Pier

Love Letter to a Shelter Pup

Talbot Hall

Talbot is a purveyor of many, many things. She shoots, processes, and prints on 35mm film, enjoys casting and writing for film and television, and designs and stitches custom needlecraft pieces. 

Talbot also loves to talk. She loves to meet new people, especially other artists. Please direct any inquiries of a creative, collaborative, commission or booking-related, personal, existential, or pet-related nature directly to her at talbotnhall@gmail.com.